East Greenland

Rusted bits and pieces litter the ground at the abandoned Bluie East Two WWII airstrip

The Abandoned Bluie East Two Airfield in East Greenland

On Day 5 of the 12-day Unplugged Wilderness Trek with Greenland Adventures by Icelandic Mountain Guides, I visited an abandoned WWII airfield code-named Bluie East Two.    Read more about the history of the site, its current state and its future in my latest blog post at Guide to Greenland: “Exploring Bluie East Two – an […]

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Hiking and Trekking Greenland – A Summary from 2017

My long-awaited 5 weeks in Greenland this year were pretty much spent hiking and trekking 🙂  I divided my time between South and East Greenland, which, it turns out, have vastly different scenery! I know there are plenty of others out there who are as keen as me for outdoor adventure, so the following is

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Large red leather hide hanging on the wall with feet, bones, teeth and other animal parts attached to it, in the Kulusuk museum

Trekking Greenland – Unplugged Wilderness Day 12

Day 12 of the Unplugged Wilderness Trek was very relaxed.  Well, at least it was for me given I’d already spent a few days in Kulusuk before the trek.  A long breakfast followed by hanging out chatting, followed by a guided tour of the Kulusuk Museum. This is a really cool museum that shows a variety of

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Several of my trekking companions following the trail along the river in the Tasiilap Kua valley with a view towards the triplets.

Trekking Greenland – Unplugged Wilderness Day 11

Day 11 of the Unplugged Wilderness Trek started early and we were happily greeted with brilliant blue skies again.   The early start was because we had asked Maxime the evening before if we could add in the climb to the summit behind the Tasiilaq Mountain Hut (which we were meant to hike yesterday) before heading

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Sunset bathing the tips of the peaks behind the Tasiilaq Mountain Hut with a golden light. The hut is in the foreground

Trekking Greenland – Unplugged Wilderness Day 10

Day 10 of the Unplugged Wilderness Trek was to see us scaling the almost vertical, boulder-strewn mountain behind the Tasiilaq Mountain Hut.  However, we awoke to rain on the roof and Maxime decided it would be too dangerous to attempt with the weather as it was.  Plus we wouldn’t actually see anything. He didn’t have

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Maxime contemplating the mountain that sits behind the Tasiilaq Mountain Hut

Trekking Greenland – Unplugged Wilderness Day 9

Today I had to confront the logistical challenge that I’d been putting off addressing ever since I signed up for the Unplugged Wilderness Trek.  We were going to spend the next 2 nights at the Tasiilaq Mountain Hut and would need to take whatever personal items we needed for 2 nights, plus our sleeping bags

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My trekking companions hiking to the hidden lake

Trekking Greenland – Unplugged Wilderness Day 8

More beauty during my regular 2am wake-up call of nature. And although the clouds made for a gorgeous sunrise, it did mean that Day 8 of the Unplugged Wilderness Trek was yet another overcast one for the most part.   This was a fairly short day in comparison to all the rest, where we essentially hiked

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My trekking companions hiking along the river up the Tunup Kua Valley

Trekking Greenland – Unplugged Wilderness Day 7

We finally had the most glorious weather on Day 7 of the Unplugged Wilderness trek!  The jackets and jumpers were off and the shirtsleeves (and eventually arms) were out.  Oh how I love blue skies and sunny days! Maxime gave detailed instructions to the boat drivers on where to drop our camping gear, and off

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Blue skies finally and views of icebergs in the fjord from our campsite

Trekking Greenland – Unplugged Wilderness Day 6

Day 6 of the Unplugged Wilderness Trek saw us wake up to better weather than we had on Day 4 and Day 5 thank goodness!  It looked like the sun might even come out at some point during our hike! After packing up camp, we convened on the abandoned airstrip of Bluie East Two for a little

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The group helping to re-load the rest of our gear into the speedboats, dramatic mountain in the background

Trekking Greenland – Unplugged Wilderness Day 5

We awoke on Day 5 of the Unplugged Wilderness Trek to lots of cloud, but at least no rain or drizzle … already an improvement over Day 4!   After breakfast and while we packed up camp, Maxime crossed back over the river to assist the boat drivers in re-loading the gear that we’d left

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