My trekking companions hiking to the hidden lake

Trekking Greenland – Unplugged Wilderness Day 8

More beauty during my regular 2am wake-up call of nature.

Bright pink and purple skies over our campsite, the Tasiilaq Fjord and nearby glacier at dawn
Dawn is incredible in East Greenland in summer

And although the clouds made for a gorgeous sunrise, it did mean that Day 8 of the Unplugged Wilderness Trek was yet another overcast one for the most part.   This was a fairly short day in comparison to all the rest, where we essentially hiked along the Tasiilaq Fjord to its end.  

View up the Tasiilaq Fjord to the triplets on a very overcast morning
It might be overcast, but it is still beautiful

However, to make it a little more interesting, Maxime took us on a more scenic route that ascended into the mountains again.  

My trekking companions hiking to the hidden lake
Very glad we hiked the scenic route

Unfortunately I seem to have been too busy talking to take many photos (it always depends on who I’m hiking with and whether they are on for a chat too) … but after lunch near a special waterfall

The waterfall at which we ate our lunch on Day 8

we ended up at a small mountain lake surrounded by peaks.

Me posing in front of the lake we hiked to on Day 8 of the Unplugged Wilderness Trek

We hung out up there for a while before starting our hike back down towards the fjord.

Views of the surrounding mountains as we headed back down to the Tasiilaq Fjord
The landscapes we were hiking through were stark but beautiful

At a rest stop where, for a change of pace from sweet biscuits, we cracked open packets of dried fish and remoulade (given my loathing of mayonnaise, I was highly skeptical of the remoulade… but was very quickly converted!), Maxime set about collecting some Iceland Moss (Cetraria Islandica) – a lichen he’s told us about earlier that was supposed to give us superpowers if brewed into a tea.  Guess what is for breakfast tomorrow morning?!  

The sun came out again as we descended towards the fjord

Maxime leading the way down to the Tasiilaq Fjord and our next campsite, with the triplets in the background
Always so great to see the sun

and our route took us past a small Inuit ruin

A stone pile which is actually an Inuit ruin, on the shores of the Tasiilaq Fjord
Apparently this pile of stones is an Inuit ruin

before arriving at our final campsite.

Trekking Time:  approximately 6 hours

Read more about the Unplugged Wilderness Trek

If this post has piqued your curiosity about hiking and trekking in East Greenland, read about the rest of my adventure on the the 12-day Unplugged Wilderness Tour with Greenland Adventures:

  • Day 1 – Tasiilaq to Kulusuk and along the Sermiligaaq Fjord 
  • Day 2 – Hike to the Karale Glacier
  • Day 3 – Hike to the lookout over Sermiligaaq Fjord and Karale Fjord
  • Day 4 – Karale Fjord camp to Beach camp
  • Day 5 – Beach camp to Bluie East Two
  • Day 6 – Bluie East Two along the Ikateq strait to the Tunu Fjord
  • Day 7 – Tunup Kua Valley to Tasiilaq Fjord
  • Day 8 – Along the Tasiilaq Fjord
  • Day 9 – Tasiilaq Fjord to Tasiilaq Mountain Hut
  • Day 10 – Tasiilaq Mountain Hut
  • Day 11 – Tasiilaq Mountain Hut to Tasiilaq Fjord to Kulusuk
  • Day 12 – Kulusuk to Reykjavik
  • Video Slideshow – of some of my favourite images

If it has sparked an interest in Greenland more generally, learn more about this amazing country at Visit Greenland, and check out the wide range of tours of all kinds (not just hiking and trekking) at Guide to Greenland.

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