
Trekking Iceland – Around Hesteyri – Hornstrandir

Yesterday while hiking from Hlöðuvík to Hesteyri, I managed to convince myself to change my plan for the 3rd time and just stay in Hesteyri and do day hikes for my last 3 days in Hornstrandir.  This was to take the weight off my lateral femoral cutaneous nerve to see whether that would help with the

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Trekking Iceland – Hlöðuvík to Hesteyri – Hornstrandir

I woke up to better-looking weather today for my hike from Hlöðuvík to Hesteyri. Unfortunately, however, still no feeling in the surface layer of my left outer thigh 🙁   It turns out I have developed Meralgia Paresthetica (thank you Dr Google).  Given that I’m not overweight nor wearing tight clothing, I suspect this was caused by the

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View over Hornbjargsviti Lighthouse from the south at slightly higher elevation - Hornstrandir -Iceland

Trekking Iceland – Hornbjargsviti to Hornvík – Hornstrandir

The wind kept up for most of the night but had died down significantly by morning.  The drizzle had also mostly stopped so I headed out to explore more of the area around the lighthouse at Hornbjargsviti.  I don’t know if it was because I had it all to myself, but this is one of

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Me looking towards Hornvik from Hafnarsgard Pass - Hornstrandir - Iceland

Trekking Iceland – Veiðileysufjörður to Hornvík – Hornstrandir

When you are a little nervous about something, it always makes you feel better when the sun is shining 🙂    I arrived early at the Borea Adventures dock to catch my boat transfer from Ísafjörður to Veiðileysufjörður and was beginning to think I may have been the only passenger.  However, with 5 minutes to go,

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Almost all the gear I took on my hike in Hornstrandir, Iceland

My first solo multi-day trek – Hornstrandir in Iceland

Although I have now done several long-distance treks 2015 Torres del Paine Circuit Trek, Chile (Swoop Patagonia) 2016 Huayhuash Circuit Trek, Peru (Peru Qorianka) 2017 Unplugged Wilderness Trek, East Greenland (Icelandic Mountain Guides) 2018 Southern Patagonian Icefield Expedition, Argentina (Serac Expeditions and Swoop Patagonia) all of them have been guided.  My first solo trek I had never really considered

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Hiking Greenland – Sisimiut’s UFO Hut

My plan upon arriving in Sisimiut after trekking the 160km Arctic Circle Trail from Kangerlussuaq, was to spend several more days in town doing day-hikes around the area. I found .gpx trails for several hikes at Destination Arctic Circle (thanks guys!) and was super-keen to do the “UFO Hike” in particular. After all, what exactly

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Hiker at the summit of Nasaasaaq Mountain, overlooking the Amerloq Fjord near Sisimiut, West Greenland

Hiking Greenland – Nasaasaaq Mountain – Sisimiut

The most popular day-hike from Sisimiut is the climb up Palasip Qaqqaa – the 544m mountain that overlooks the airport. However, Tyson and I aren’t really ones to follow the crowds, and so on the first clear day after arriving in Sisimiut, we decided to tackle the pyramid-shaped Nasaasaaq Mountain (784m) instead. We picked up

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