East Greenland

Locals checking out Roald Amundsen's ship "Maud" at Tasiilaq harbor - East Greenland

Hiking Greenland – Icefjords and Remote Villages – Tasiilaq to Kulusuk

We awoke early to find a note from Lars saying that we now didn’t need to meet at the harbour until 11am.  This was because the clients that he was meant to be picking up in Kulusuk were no longer arriving today – so we could relax and enjoy another morning in Tasiilaq.  Bonus! He […]

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House and Mountains of Tasiilaq - East Greenland

Hiking Greenland – Icefjords and Remote Villages – Tasiilaq

Day 9 of the Icefjords and Remote Villages trip with Greenland Adventures  was a free day to explore Tasiilaq and its surroundings.  Despite the less-than-stellar weather, Andrea offered to guide whoever was interested on a short hike out into the Flower Valley – it turned out that we were all interested 🙂 I had actually

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Hiking beside a beautiful waterfall at the start of the Sermilik Way - East Greenland

Hiking Greenland – Icefjords and Remote Villages – Sermilik Way

It was another grey morning as we schlepped all our gear out of the hut and back down to the boat from Arctic Dream that was waiting to transfer us from Tiniteqilaaq to the start of the “Sermilik Way”. While my sensible travel companions enjoyed the comfort inside Lars’ new boat I chose to sit

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me taking in the view over the Sermilik Fjord near Tinit - East Greenland

Hiking Greenland – Icefjords and Remote Villages – Tiniteqilaaq

Despite being thwarted last night in watching the Sun set behind the Greenland Icesheet at 11:30pm, ever the optimist, I got myself out of bed at 2:00am to go take photos as the Sun rose again (nights are very short during Greenlandic summers!) Although the fog was still lingering, I decided to set up my camera

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silhouette with the sunset obscured by fog in the Sermilik Fjord - East Greenland

Hiking Greenland – Icefjords and Remote Villages – Kuummiut to Tiniteqilaaq

After yesterday’s exertions climbing Mt Kuummiut, today was essentially a “rest day” where we transferred from Kuummiut to Tiniteqilaaq (Tinit).  There was a low blanket of heavy cloud obscuring the peaks as we traveled up the Ammassalik and Ikasartivaq Fjords, and although I would have loved to have seen the grandeur of the mountains, I also

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One of the views from the summit of Mt Kuummiut - East Greenland

Hiking Greenland – Icefjords and Remote Villages – Mt Kuummiut

Today was to be the most challenging day of hiking for the whole of the Icefjords and Remote Villages trip.  The 1050m ascent to the summit of Mt Kuummiut, which towers over the town.  Although it was a cloudy morning and the fog seemed to be coming and going over the top of the mountain, it

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Hiking along the Torsukattak Fjord near Kuummiut - East Greenland

Hiking Greenland – Icefjords and Remote Villages – Kuummiut hike

I knew the good weather couldn’t hold out forever, and Day 4 of the Icefjords and Remote Villages trip in East Greenland turned out to be a very overcast and wet affair.  Oh well.  The weatherman had warned us! The plan for today was to hike up the Torsukattak Fjord to Illitsiartik in the Tunu fjord.  This

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Hiking up the Kuummiut Fjord in East Greenland

Hiking Greenland – Icefjords and Remote Villages – Kulusuk to Kuummiut

More bright sunshine and another relaxed start to Day 3 of the Icefjords and Remote Villages tour in East Greenland.  Breakfast at 8am (thankfully, following my late night), have bags packed by 10am, and be waiting down at the harbour by 10:30am for our 10:45am boat transfer to Kuummiut, were our instructions.  Plenty of time

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Hiking towards the west coast of Kulusuk Island - East Greenland

Hiking Greenland – Icefjords and Remote Villages – DYE-4

The great weather continued for Day 2 for the Icefjords and Remote Villages tour in East Greenland, and I was super-excited that I might finally make it to the former DYE-4 radar station!  Unfortunately my attempt to hike out there last year failed due to bad weather. While Bluie East Two (which I visited last year on Day 5

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Hiking group at the viewpoint overlooking Kulusuk - East Greenland

Hiking Greenland – Icefjords and Remote Villages – Kulusuk

As with the Unplugged Wilderness Trek in 2017, I was already in East Greenland this year before starting the 10-day Icefjords and Remote Villages tour with Greenland Adventures. Therefore, at the appropriate time, I hiked out to Kulusuk international airport and met Andrea (our guide, originally from Switzerland but living in Iceland for many, many years) and

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