August 2016

Quito’s Teleférico and Volcán Pichincha

One of the things I had been ummming and ahhhing about doing since arriving in Quito was going up the teleférico and climbing Volcán Pichincha.    What finally decided me was a) signing up to do the 3-day Ecuadorian Inca Trail hike (I figured some hiking preparation wouldn’t hurt) and b) an invitation from Charlotte. So off we headed

Quito’s Teleférico and Volcán Pichincha Read More »

Ciclopaseo – Quito – Ecuador

Another of the awesome initiatives in Quito is the Ciclopaseo.   Basically, the city shuts down 30km of one of its main North-South arteries (Avenida Amazonas) to traffic each Sunday between 8am and 2pm (Quito is a long, narrow city oriented North-South), to encourage everyone to get out on their bikes. And its incredible how many people take advantage

Ciclopaseo – Quito – Ecuador Read More »


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