Happy New Year! Welcome 2017

Yes, I know I’m in the middle of a series of posts about events that happened a month ago, but just needed to interrupt to say Happy New Year and all the very best for 2017!  

I actually stayed up till midnight for only about the 4th time in my life!   This was largely thanks to the 2 Aussies I got talking to up on the rooftop bar of the hostel when I took an Aussie pie and broccoli up there to eat my dinner.   Nice thing was that we had a clear view across to one of the main fireworks launchpads in Santiago – the Entel Tower.   And it didn’t disappoint!

Happy New Year 2017 from Santiago de Chile

[evp_embed_video url= “http://lisagermany.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/nye.mp4”] 


And before the fireworks started, some of the Chileans who had joined us on the roof launched a lantern – seemed to be a very popular thing to do as there were heaps of them floating in the night sky above Santiago.

Happy New Year 2017 from Santiago de Chile

So goodbye 2016 – I had an incredible year.   Hello 2017 – which I’m sure will be another amazing one full of adventure.

Happy New Year / Feliz Año Nuevo!


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