Street Art – Bolivia

Those of you who have been following along for a while know I love checking out street art.   And I’m pleased to say, Bolivia’s cities have a lot to offer!

La Paz

I really wanted to do the Murals and Urban Art Tour of La Paz offered by La Paz on Foot, but the difficulties of travelling by myself hit again … there was no group I could join and it was prohibitively expensive to do it alone.   So I just took photos as I came across things.  Here are some of my favourites (besides the Zebra ones).

La Paz - Street Art

Also loved this series of tiles promoting the care for kids.

La Paz tiles - protect children

And these sculptures were amazing as well!

La Paz Sculptures


Despite travelling to Cochabamba primarily to visit the Toro Toro National Park, I found myself really enjoying the city.   Nice chilled place to hang out, and tons of street art to keep me walking around and exploring!

Here are some of my favourites.

Street Art - Cochabamba

Also found some very cool doors 🙂

colourful doorways - cochabamba


I got a bit slack in Sucre and didn’t take too many photos.   Also – there just wasn’t as much street art around in the centre of Sucre because of its world heritage listing.  It is known as the “white city” and indeed it is incredibly clean and incredibly white!  Not much room for street art in that, however, I did find these 2 pieces just up the road from my hostel.

Street Art - Sucre

And there were plenty of quite artistic signs about not attaching posters etc around the place.

Street Art - Sucre


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